I just wanted to make sure that I post a nice thank you to my wife Alexandra. She has been with me 110% while coaching at the schools that I have been at. She is a Bonneville graduate, but was very excited to see me go back to my roots here at Ogden High School. She has been fantastic since day one about my schedule, and how much time I give to my program, and the athletes in it. She was good enough to allow me to help one of my wrestlers in a "crisis" during one of our date nights.....and I mean "during" our date!
She knows what good I'm doing with my time and has been a complete supporter of it. She does so much behind the scenes to assist me in my position, and is very much responsible for the current progress that we are all seeing with our Tigers right now. So Alex, thank you very much! There are many coaches out there that are not given the patience that you give me and the Tigers...If any of you get a chance to talk with Alexandra, be sure to thank her for everything she does for us!